WordCloud of Bhagavad Gita

Most frequented words in Hindu's holy text

The aspects of teaching about life in the holy books are humongous. Therefore, I thought of checking out the most repeated words in the holy book of Hindus first - “Bhagavad Gita”

The idea came lately after browsing free ebooks on gutenberg. The idea of counting most frequented words in any of the texts available online strike my mind, and that’s how I created this beautiful wordcloud of Bhagavad Gita. I could have done with any of the texts but a hard copy of Bhagavad Gita is lying on my desk. So it’s obvious that I start with this holy book first. On the similar path, I want to construct the wordcloud of Holy Bible and Holy Quran as well. I will do it some other time.

Here’s the wordcloud from Bhagavad Gita’s text. The larger the words, the most frequented it is. And they are clustered around the centre. As the word is moving away from the centre and the size of the word become smaller, it means the word count is getting less in the text. So the outermost and the smaller words are less in number in the text. wordcloud

So the words like thou, one, soul, thy, thee, prince, life, arjuna, heart, self, krishna, lord, shall, etc. are the most frequented words in this holy text. Below is the actual count of the words and I just displayed the highest top 20 in the text.

Words Count
thou 134
one 96
soul 93
thy 93
thee 90
life 74
prince 62
shall 59
heart 57
self 56
will 54
arjuna 52
hath 52
know 52
lord 52
man 52
krishna 49
yet 45
mind 44
men 43

The r code to create this wordcloud is available here