What's wrong with Manipur's fertility?

Study of fertility from 2011 census data

Fertility data is available on Govt. census portal, but I have never tried to look at it until this article was published on kanglaonline. Some of the comments rejected the claim made by the article. Since the article is not supported by data, the claim made by the article is weak as per some of the comments. I have some female friends who got married at early 30’s and some of them did have some problem conceiving and some of them didn’t have any problem. I didn’t know the infertility problem is at large scale in my state - Manipur. I will not know the causes of infertility as pointed by the article which says it may be because of many factors which include our food habit like eating fermented fish and dried fish. If we look at the present situation, not just infertility, overall health is impacted because of food adulteration, all type of pollutions and stressfull lifestyle. What I can know is how large the infertility problem is in Manipur. So I thought of looking at the 2011 census data on fertility. At least, data will show some insights. I will compare fertility data of Manipur with some other states with almost equal women population. This way we will know where Manipur stands in fertility compare to these states. I found women population of Nagaland, Meghalaya and Tripura share the number closer to Manipur’s women population than any other state. Nagaland’s women population is less than Manipur’s while Meghalaya’s and Tripura’s women population are more.

Here is the filtered table of four states from 2011 census data -

State Total women Total married women Total married women with no Child
Manipur 14,17,208 6,87,039 1,18,454
Nagaland 9,53,853 4,00,850 56,482
Meghalaya 14,75,057 6,57,702 1,11,646
Tripura 17,99,541 10,78,931 1,25,235

We can check the difference of ‘Total married women’ and ‘Total married women with no child’ for each state by percentage. This will tell us which state is highest in fertility rate and which state is not. We simply do

% of Total married women = Total married women / Total women
% of Total married women with no child = Total married women with no child / Total married women

Here is the calculated percentage table -

State % of married women % of married women with no child
Manipur 48.47 17.24
Nagaland 42.02 14.09
Meghalaya 44.58 16.97
Tripura 59.95 11.60

From the above table, we can easily point out that percentage of married women with no child in Manipur is highest among the four states which do inform us that infertility is indeed high in our state. Lets break down the data further by age group for all the states. The original data categorized the ages of women into few age categories like “less than 15”, “15-19”, “20-24” and so on. It’s understandable if a married woman whose age is less than 20 years doesn’t have a child. So better to check the number of women whose age is 20 years and above with no child. Again, we cannot conclude entirely these total number of childless married women is by-choice childless or not, specially younger married women. Lets see the table first to understand better. The columns from Age to 0 child is from the original data. I have added two new columns % of married women and % of married women with no child for each age interval like I have done in the above table. I have also rounded the decimal points on percentage.

Breakdown of data by age intervals for Manipur

Age Total women Married women 0 child % of married women % of married women with no child
20-24 1,42,195 55,076 22,944 39 42
25-29 1,37,589 88,096 22,061 64 25
30-34 1,11,276 89,116 14,723 80 17
35-39 1,00,434 89,275 10,888 89 12
40-44 84,933 78,913 8,424 93 11
45-49 73,113 69,659 6,688 95 10
50-54 59,679 57,615 5,035 97 9
55-59 44,090 42,886 3,758 97 9
60-64 35,330 34,315 3,468 97 10
65-69 23,430 22,680 2,460 97 10
70-74 17,477 17,056 2,081 97 12
75-79 10,765 10,533 1,420 98 13
80+ 13,233 12,472 1,994 94 16

From the above table what we have noticed is the percentage of married women without child is highest among age range 20-24, followed by age range 25-29, and gradually this decreases with increasing age range. Age 20-22 can be safely assumed as planned for not having child, but later than this age range is left with some questions as posted in the article. Do couples in Manipur age range 23-29 really suffer from infertility. The data say so! Some couples may have planned to delay having child, still percentage should not be this high. We will know how other three states are doing from the below tables.

Breakdown of data by age intervals for Nagaland

Age Total women Married women 0 child % of married women % of married women with no child
20-24 1,00,594 37,060 14,648 37 40
25-29 87,303 55,339 10,830 63 20
30-34 73,419 59,170 6,519 81 11
35-39 63,503 57,250 3,960 90 7
40-44 51,608 48,474 2,837 94 6
45-49 39,990 38,346 1,938 96 5
50-54 29,725 28,625 1,575 96 6
55-59 19,657 18,950 1,120 96 6
60-64 16,836 15,848 1,242 94 8
65-69 11,442 10,554 937 92 9
70-74 8,333 7,926 792 96 10
75-79 4,930 4,738 481 96 10
80+ 6,406 5,975 719 93 12

Breakdown of data by age intervals for Meghalaya

Age Total women Married women 0 child % of married women % of married women with no child
20-24 1,45,872 87,106 26,183 60 30
25-29 1,26,605 1,02,721 17,395 81 17
30-34 93,871 84,368 10,094 90 12
35-39 87,386 83,465 8,057 96 10
40-44 72,073 69,256 6,264 96 10
45-49 60,072 58,335 5,282 97 10
50-54 42,833 41,622 4,167 97 10
55-59 29,417 28,615 3,124 97 11
60-64 25,287 24,213 3,026 96 12
65-69 18,292 17,302 2,555 95 15
70-74 12,537 12,076 1,869 96 15
75-79 6,997 6,816 1,073 97 16
80+ 8,850 8,258 1,464 93 18

Breakdown of data by age intervals for Tripura

Age Total women Married women 0 child % of married women % of married women with no child
20-24 1,89,398 1,33,904 33,090 70 25
25-29 1,69,090 1,49,646 17,737 89 12
30-34 1,37,758 1,30,256 9,800 95 8
35-39 1,36,291 1,32,231 7,620 97 6
40-44 1,14,658 1,12,246 6,130 98 5
45-49 98,752 97,144 5,068 98 5
50-54 75,559 74,446 4,014 99 5
55-59 55,025 54,307 3,046 99 6
60-64 47,518 46,889 2,980 99 6
65-69 35,436 35,014 2,399 99 7
70-74 26,789 26,543 2,029 99 8
75-79 15,827 15,692 1,244 99 8
80+ 22,054 21,414 1,987 97 9

To further summarise, I will sum the numbers of Total women, Married women and 0 child from age range 20-34 i.e. the first three age ranges and calculate the percentage once again. These age ranges are the prime age for fertility.

State Age Total women Married women 0 child % of married women % of married women with no child
Manipur 20-34 3,91,060 2,32,288 59,728 59 26
Nagaland 20-34 2,61,316 1,51,569 31,997 58 21
Meghalaya 20-34 3,66,348 2,74,195 53,672 75 20
Tripura 20-34 4,96,246 4,13,806 60,627 83 15

As expected, Manipur is highest in infertility among the four states and Tripura is doing best. 83% women are married and women with no child is only 15% in Tripura.

Lets check for the entire northeast states. Instead of putting up dull looking table again and again, I will show the data in plot. The plot will interpret the number at first glance.


The number sitting on top of each bar is the percentage of married women with no child for age range 20-34, and Manipur is highest among the northeast states. I want to see where does Manipur stand in India. Do we have the highest percentage of married women with no child in the country. If that’s the case then, it’s time for the concern department to fix this.

Here is the plot for all India.


Something is not right with Goa and Manipur!

How about fertility rate in Manipur by religious communities? Is fertility somehow relate to certain communities nature or behaviour. Lets check that also.


Among the religious communities, percentage of muslim married women with no child is the lowest. We can ignore other religious communities like Jain, Sikh and Buddhist because their population is less compare to Hindu, Other, Christian and Muslim. If we ignore Jain and Buddhist, then percentage of married women with no child in the age range 20-34 is highest in Christian community.

The fertility data is further categorised by education level as well.


The percentage of married women with no child is highest among the graduate and above. May be gaining more educational knowledge brought the idea of family planning but no child at all is little advance thought in my opinion.

I don’t want to go on and on. I will end this with one last plot. The plot to see whether percentage of married women with no child is highest among urban or rural. Even before I see the data, even before I make the plot, I assume it is high in urban women population compare to rural. Lets see whether my assumption is wrong!


And it is WRONG! It doesn’t matter whether a woman is from rural areas or urban areas, low fertility among married women age range 20-34 is same!

What I can conclude from this data is - something is wrong with Manipur’s fertility. Now, stress, food adulteration, various pollutions and food habit do impact overall health including fertility and this is true for all over India, but why the percentage of marrried women with no child is so high in Goa and Manipur than rest of the states in India. The article posted on kanglaonline do pointed some causes and a paragraph Advice from Doctor has a line which says “Try to get pregnant during optimal conceivable age”. If you look at the above plot which shows all India, Tripura is the lowest. If you look at the table of four states, Tripura’s married women percentage for age range 20-34 is 83% whereas Manipur’s is 59%. So one immediate suggestion is

Get married as early as possible and get pregnant as soon as possible!

I know it was boring, but thanks for reading till the end.


The above summary was on 2011 census data. I realised it will be wise to see the 2001 and 1991 census data as well for the same. By looking at 20 years of data, we can at least know whether fertility rate was always low, constant or getting better. Note that I am taking only age range 20-34.

Year Total women Married women 0 child % of married women % of married women with no child
1991 - 1,50,484 38,412 - 25.52
2001 2,89,135 1,69,147 41,957 58.50 24.80
2011 3,91,060 2,32,288 59,728 59.39 25.71

Total women population was not listed for 1991 census. Looking at the table above, we can tell percentage of married women with no child is fairly constant for the last 20 years.