Starting With R

Basics of R

The slides are designed for new learner. Anyone who wants to start with R can go through the slides and get the hang of R language. It has less explanation and more examples. The topics covered in the slides are:

  1. R and RStudio
  2. Basic Operations
  3. Object Attributes
  4. Built-in Functions
  5. Maths Functions
  6. Data Types
  7. Logical Comparison
  8. %in% Operator
  9. Boolean Operator
  10. Factor
  11. Data Structure
  12. Vector and Vector Functions
  13. Matrices, Matrix Operations, Filtering and Subsetting
  14. Lists
  15. Data Frames
  16. cbind and rbind
  17. Adding New Row and Deleting row
  18. Adding New Column and Deleting Column
  19. Subsetting, Filtering, Names in Data Frames
  20. Built-in Dataset
  21. Merging Data
  22. The Apply Family Functions
  23. Missing Values
  24. Dates and Times

To view the slides - Starting with R