Data Manipulation with dplyr

Basics of data wrangling using dplyr package

If you are struggling with data manipulation or exploring data, then the slides I have prepared will help you to overcome the difficulties. Here are the topics I have covered in the slides.

  1. Install and load dplyr package
  2. tbl_df and glimpse
  3. select
  4. filter
  5. mutate
  6. summarise
  7. arrange
  8. %>% operator
  9. group_by
  10. bind_cols
  11. bind_rows
  12. union
  13. inner_join
  14. right_join
  15. left_join
  16. semi_join
  17. anti_join
  18. rename
  19. sample_n
  20. Reading and Writing data in R

To see the slides, click here